LIFE-ECOMETHYLAL aims to implement a highly profitable technology to produce methylal called Catalytic Hydro-Gasification with Plasma (CHGP) (owned by one of the partners) for the treatment of current non-recyclable plastic waste (NRPW): automotive, electric-electronic and packaging, according the waste hierarchy established by the EU policies. In consequence, the NRPW address to landfill will dramatically be reduced and a new eco-product commercialized (by material recycling).

Other objective is the production of industrial quality methylal from NPRW (i.e. 0.8 kg methylal/kg plastic waste). This product replaces the petrol-based solvents, with a great environmental impact reduction.

» Reduction of around 3.6 tonnes plastic waste sent to landfill during the project period.
» Production of 2.88 tonnes methylal through waste resources, leading to a reduction of 2.07 tonnes CO2 eq., more than 107 300 MJ eq. per pilot plant.
» Implementation of a cleaning process for plastic recovery.
» Improved economic and environmental efficiency of the recycling companies in order to achieve EU zero waste targets (thereby improving competitiveness);
» Job creation: an average of 15 jobs per industrial plant.
» A replicable strategy for recovery of plastic waste in other EU countries.

The consortium covers a significant part of the value chain and consists of:
» SMEs and Large Companies (ACTECO, AIRESA, MI-PLAST, BPP).
» Research and Technology Center & its Associated Plastic Companies (AIMPLAS).
AIMPLAS is a Technological Institute focused on plastic sector, with more than 100 professionals with huge expertise in compounding, processing, recycling, product development and analysis of plastic materials for different sectors, such as construction, automotive, packaging and other traditional ones.
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The policy of the GROUP is directed to serve environmental integral service to their clients, which is achieved thanks to the amplitude of services that they offer, guaranteeing their fulfilment with the Environmental Regulations and the respect to their surroundings.
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BluePlasma Power S.L. promotes Waste to Energy plants capable to convert organic waste material into syngas, for electricity or liquid bio-fuel. The plants technology is based on hydro-nano-catalytic gasification using a continuous process assisted by plasma torch equipment.
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MI-PLAST is a family company from Rijeka, Croatia, engaged in production, distribution and recycling of LDPE and HDPE based products that are mainly used in the construction sector, agriculture, tourism and in the retail sector, with the future ambition to turn to more environmentally friendly materials.
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Airesa is a company specialized in industrial waste management, especially in plastic waste management such as polypropylene, polyethylene, technical plastics, PET, etc.), that also performs activities in the field of waste treatment, water purification, vegetable oil collection, waste oil collection. We also have tanks for emptying pits.
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