AIMPLAS | Compounding. The art of mixing, reinforcing and incorporating additives to plastics

Plastics are probably the most versatile materials that human being has developed. This versatility is due in part to the ability of plastics to be mixed with a wide variety of substances that can give them new properties, such as: electrical and thermal conductivity, flame retardancy, foaming, transparency, impact resistance, rigidity, flexibility also including a possible cost reduction and future recycling.

In order to achieve these good properties, a correct mixing process is essential and this will depend on a current screw design, appropriate control process, the good selection of peripherals and the experience to solve the problems that appear during the compounds production.

Call open all year.

You will have fifteen days to complete the course from the moment you decide to start it.

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Plazo preinscripci?n
Hasta el 10 de diciembre 2022 o hasta completar aforo

» Country: España

» Start Date: 17/01/2022

» End Date: 16/12/2022

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