Poliuretanos y otros pol?meros de alto valor a?adido como resultado del reciclado de Poli(etilen tereftalato)
Palabras clave: Econom?a circular; sostenibilidad, revalorizaci?n, PET, poliuretanos, prestaciones avanzadas. Abstract:According to the Sustainable Development Goals, a Circular Economy system must be implemented in the production of plastic materials. To this end, new ways of Chemical Recycling plastic residues, such as PET, have been proposed, with the aim of obtaining high value-added products like polyurethanes, polyesters and poly(ester amide)s, and thus solve the economic issue related to effective management of plastics waste. This article reviews the current research on chemical recycling and upcycling of PET to obtain new families of polyurethanes capable of being introduced in different sectors of the industry.
Keyworks: Circular economy, sustainability, upcycling, PET, polyurethanes, advanced features.» Author: Mar?a Dolores de Dios Caputto*, Rodrigo Navarro, Alejandra Rubio Hern?ndez-Sampelayo, ?ngel Marcos-Fern?ndez. *mariad.dedios@ictp.csic.es
» Reference: Afiliaci?n: ISSN: 003-8708 Datos Fuente: 2021,122 (773)